Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2016

Top Ten Halloween Themed Films

Hi all, my name is Melvin Rivers. I’m the author of a horror book on called “Haven of Evil.” Well, I’m not here to pitch my book, but rather discuss movies that influenced my writing. As a huge fan of horror movies, books and of course Halloween. I took the liberty to list my all-time favorite horror films centered around Halloween.

  • 10. Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (1982)

When I first saw this movie, I was a bit disappointment. I expected the crazed masked killer, Michael Myers to be in it. But after watching this movie many years later, I found a new level of respect for it. The movie is during the Halloween season, and a doctor must find a way to stop evil Halloween masks from causing deadly circumstances.

Teenagers decide to party at an abandoned funeral parlor on Halloween night. Demonic spirits awakens, and turn the party into Hell on earth.

VHS tape is found which features various sinister murders performed by an evil clown.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Dress Like "The Shape" For Halloween

*This is a sponsored review. All opinions are 100% mine.

Dressing up as your favorite princess, cartoon character, superhero or villain is an annual tradition for trick-or-treaters on Halloween Night. Even some adults dress up to take their kids their kids trick-or-treating. Others dress up in costumes for Halloween parties. Then there are some adults who wears a costume or mask while giving away candy on Halloween. Lastly, there are a few adults who just like to collect masks and costumes based on their favorite movie characters.

While store like Walmart and Target do carry costumes during the month of October, they are very limited, sometime forcing your kids to settle for a costume they don't really want to wear.

Thanks to online store, like Oriental Trading, you can browse through thousands of costumes, order your favorite one, and have it shipped directly to your doorsteps.

Oriental Trading's Halloween section has over 3,2000 costumes to choice from; costumes for boys and girls, and costumes for men and women. They even carry couple & group costumes, as well as costumes for dogs.

Oriental Trading nicely sent me a mask of my choice to review during my blog's Halloween event, and as I can see by the photos, I picked the Michael Myers Latex Mask (IN-13591484). I'm a big fan of the "Halloween" films, so naturally I picked this mask to review.

Made by Trick or Treat Studios and officially licensed by Universal Studios, the mask retails for $64, but it's currently on sale on Oriental Trading for $50.98.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Popcorn & Coffee: All Hallows' Eve 2

91 mins; Not Rated; Buy Link: Amazon
You would think that a Halloween-themed horror flick would do better if it's released before Halloween, but that isn't case for All Hallows' Eve 2, which was released on February 2nd.

Honestly, I've never seen the first film, so I have no clue what it was about. All Hallows' Eve 2 is an anthology from RLJ Entertainment, featuring shorts from directors Elias Benavidez (A Boy's Life), Mike Kochansky (Mr. Tricker's Treat), Andres Borghi (Alexia), Bryan Norton (Seven Hells), Antonio Padovan (Once Upon a Time, Inc.), Marc Rouseel (The Last Halloween), Ryan Patch (If I Give My Soul), Jay Holben (Hunger) and The Kondelik Borthers (Airplane VS Volcano).

The film opens up with a woman watching an old VHS tape. Trapped inside the VHS is the serial killer "The Trickster," who will be released from his prison after the she finishes watching all the shorts. Does this make any sense?

Some of the shorts have a Halloween-theme, while others have nothing to do with the holiday. The first story happens to the best. "Jack Attack" is a blood-tale about a young woman teaching a boy how to carve a pumpkin and roast pumpkin seeds. It's very short, but terrifying. And it has a few throwbacks to John Carpenter's Halloween.

"Mr. Tricker’s Treat," "The Last Halloween," "Alexia," "Descent," "The Offering," and "M Is for Masochistare" all below average stories with hardly any scares. I hate to admit it, but I fell asleep several times during these shorts.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Boogedy, Boogedy, Boo!

A few months ago, I was trying to think of the name of an old movie about a family that movies into a haunted house and I just couldn't recall the name of it. I did what anyone else would do - I googled it and I quickly found the name - Mr. Boogedy, a 45-minute family-friendly horror comedy that aired on the The Disney Sunday Movie in 1986 (when I was a five-year-old). A longer sequel, Bride of Boogedy, aired a year later.

I have fond memories of watching both films during my childhood, which my parents had recorded on a VHS. Sadly, the VHS recordings are long gone. Now that I knew the name of the movies, I searched for the DVD or Blu-ray releases. Well, the good news is that it was just released on DVD this year, but the bad news is that it's only available for members of the Disney Movie Club. I ended up joining the club, but not just to buy this movie, as the introduction DVDs are going to be given away as presents for Christmas.

The DVD is a single-disc with both films on it. Mr. Boogedy was directed by Oz Scott (he also directed the sequel). The film centers on Carlton Davis (played by Richard Masur), his wife Eloise (played by Mimi Kennedy) and their children, Jennifer (played by Kristy Swanson), Corwin (played by David Faustino), and Aurie (played by Benjamin Gregory), moving into an old house in Lucifer Falls, New England. The realtor, Neil Witherspoon (played by John Astin), informs the family that the house is haunted by Mr. Boogedy (played by Howard Witt). Of course Carlton and Eloise doesn't believe in ghosts, but their opinions change after their kids have several strange supernatural experiences. They family must band together to get rid of Mr. Boogedy.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

My Thoughts On the Poltergeist Remake

Despite my love for all things horror, I had never watched the Poltergeist films until I was in my mid twenties. I don't have any explanation for the for the delay as the movies played countless times on TBS and TNT during the 1990s. After watching a segment on some entertainment show about the curse of the Poltergeist movies, I only then became interested in watching them. Luckily, at the time it was near Halloween, so I was able to purchase all the films at my local Walmart.

To make a long story short, I quickly fell in love with the franchise, yes, even the third and final installment. I'm not a fan of remakes or so-called reboots, so I wasn't thrilled when I heard that the original film was being remade. I had no attention of ever watching the film, but I got bored a few nights ago and watched a free screener of the remake.

Instead of featuring the Freeling family, the remake centers on Eric and Amy Bowen and their children, Kendra, Griffin and Madison, moving into a new home, despite the fact that Eric has lost his job. It doesn't take long for Griffin to figure out that the house is haunted as he hears noises in the wall, electronic devices goes crazy and his little sister Madison is talking to someone or something that can't be seen.

Of course nobody believes Griffin that is until the night Eric and Amy go out to dinner and Kendra is in charge of babysitting. Both Kendra and Griffin are attacked by a paranormal force, and Madison disappears into thin air.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Review - Seize The Night

*This is a sponsored review. All opinions are 100% mine.

I believe my first introduction of a vampire was in the 1985 made-for-TV movie, The Midnight Hour, when I was a four-years-old. Then of course I went a little crazy for Buffy the Vampire Slayer when I was a teenager. I even collected the Buffy novels that were published, which were written by a variety of authors, including Christopher Golden. Sadly, I no longer have a taste for reading vampire fiction; mostly thanks to the glitter-versions that appeared in the Twilight Saga, though I have read several of the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris over the last few years.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Which Is the Worse - Troll or Troll 2?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that almost every horror fan has either heard or has seen what is considered one of the worst movies ever - the infamous Troll 2!

The original Troll film (1986) was a blend of fantasy and horror. It centered on a Troll terrorizing an apartment building in San Francisco. A teenager named Harry Potter, Jr. (Yep, that's right!) must team up with the witch that lives upstairs in order to save his younger sister as well as parents from the Troll's menace. The film didn't exactly make a dent at the box-office, mostly due to horrible reviews from critics. However, it found new life at the video stores throughout the 80s.

Troll 2 was released in the USA in 1990, but it's no way connected to the first film. Actually, it doesn’t even contain any trolls in it. The film was written and directed by Claudio Fragasso, but was credited as either Drake Floyd or Drago Floyd. It was filmed in Morgan and Porterville, Utah in the summer of 1989 with a cast of unknowns. Since the director couldn't speak fluent English, neither did the script which contained broken broken dialect. It's been told that the cast tried their best to change the script dialogue, so it would sound better, but they were only given the script scene-by-scene.

The movie centers on a the Michael Waits, his wife Diana and his children, Holly and Joshua, going on a home exchange vacation in the small town of  Nilbog (Goblin spelled backwards), where they are going to live in a farm for a month.

Now Joshua is a little weird as he can communicate with his deceased grandfather, who has warned him that there is danger in Nilbog and that he should do whatever it takes to get his family to leave as soon as possible; resulting in the boy pissing on the family's meal, which all the food is green and will turn whoever eats it into a pod.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Horror Movies Are Still Scary - A Review of It Follows!

Finding a good horror flick with actual scares is hard to find these days, especially with all the unneeded remakes as well as the unwatchable PG-13 found footage ones. In my opinion, the horror genre took a turn for the worse when Scream was released in the middle '90s; though there are a few exceptions, such as Rob Zombie's Halloween, The Conjuring, The Innkeepers, The House of the Devil and Trick'r Treat.

And then there is this year's It Follows, a low-budget independent horror film that frightened moviegoers earlier this year. Sure, it only made over $18 million, but it's budget was around $2 million.

Written & directed by David Robert Mitchell, the film stars Maika Monroe, Keir Gilchrist, Daniel Zovatto, Jake Weary, Oliva Luccardi and Lili Sepe.

I occasionally search the internet about upcoming horror movies, so I was more than aware of all the buzz around It Follows way before it was released to theaters this past spring. I very seldom go to a  movie theater, so I patiently waited for it to arrive on DVD.

The film centers on a college student named Jay (played by Maika Monroe) going on a date from hell with her new boyfriend, Hugh (played by Jake Weary). He knocks her out with chloroform. Then she wakes up tied to a wheelchair in an abandoned building. This is when she learns that Hugh is passing a curse onto her, so for the time being he will be free of it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Frighten Up Your Yard For Halloween!

My favorite holiday is just around the corner - Halloween!

Ever since I was a young kid (which was in the '90s), I gave up trick-or-treating and started decorating the outside yard for Halloween Night. Now as an adult, I still decorate my yard; adding a few new scary props each and every year. The only problem for me is that I'm limited to Walmart and Dollar General in my town that both put out only a small Halloween section every year. The good news is that when I can't find anything in those stores (which is almost always), I can always look on the internet to find great Halloween props.

One of my favorite online stores to get Halloween goodies is Oriental Trading, which has a slew of items to choose from. I was sent a cool new tombstone to review especially for the post. It is the Day of the Dead Tombstone!

Made out of foam, the tombstone measures 12 1/2" x 22" and comes with two plastic stakes, which will secure it to the ground. Due to the fact that it's made from foam, tombstones can be damaged while being sent in the mail, but I'm glad to say that the Day of the Dead Tombstone (retails for $14.99) arrived in perfect condition. It features a creepy skeleton and the words "Dia de Los Muertos" (Day of the Dead) engraved on it.

Now this tombstone is going to look a little bare by itself, so it's going to need a companion, like a ground-breaker. Oriental Trading nicely sent me a cool Latex Zombie (retails for $25.99) ground-breaker (also known as a grave-breaker).

Monday, October 5, 2015

Fun Halloween Crafts For Kids

I'm sure everyone will be busy this month buying candy for trick-or-treaters, decorating the yard for Halloween Night and searching for the perfect costume either for your kids or for yourself, but don't forget that October is a great time to make nifty crafts!

Oriental Trading has many different crafts for kids, including the Peanuts Halloween Stickers Scenes ($5.99 retail). It contains 12 - 11" x 8 1/2" paper backgrounds that resembles the pumpkin patch from the classic Halloween Special - It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!, along with 12 - 11" x 8 1/2" sticker sheets.

I received the Peanuts Halloween Stickers Scenes along with a two other crafts (I'll get to those later in this post) from Oriental Trading back in late August. I couldn't wait until Halloween, so I eagerly opened the package and made the cute Peanuts scene (see below for the photo). It's simple to put together. All you have to do is peel whatever stickers you want and place them on the paper background.

I'm sure almost everyone has seen the Charlie Brown Halloween Special, so I'm sure this sticker scenes set will appeal to both children and adults.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Give Out The Best Trick-Or-Treat Bags This Halloween!

The countdown to Halloween Night has officially begun, meaning there are only a few weeks to buy candy and other goodies for the this year's trick-or-treaters.

Depending on the weather, there are between 120 to 145 trick-or-treaters that show up at my doorstep on Halloween Night. Instead of giving out a few pieces a candy to each kid, each and every year, I put together a little treat bags full of a variety of candies.

In the past, I bought a package of 40 paper treat bags around a $1, but it seems the bags have been discontinued as I can no longer find them anywhere. The only bags that I can find in the stores are in packages of 10 to 20 and costs between $2 to $4 per package. I don't care for the bags as they are way too tall and require twist ties.

Luckily for me, Oriental Trading has a big selection of goody bags to choose from, including the Mini Jack-O'-Lantern Drawstring Goody Bags. The 4-inch tall plastic bags retail for $11.99 per unit (144 bags), but is currently on sale for $7.78. The bags feature a printed Jack-O'-Lantern in the front, while the rest of the bag is see-through.

Now, you can't just give away an empty goody bag on Halloween Night or your house will be egged, so naturally I'm going to put several different sweets in it. I'm sure many of you have already seen gobs of Halloween candy in the stores. I don't just buy any candy as I want to make sure it has the right amount pieces (100 & up), so I'll have plenty to go into each treat bag.

Oriental Trading carries many bulk assortments of name brand candy. And I mean huge bags (1,000 pieces)! For this year, I was looking for something new that would standout to the trick-or-treaters and I found to different ones - Zombie PartyButtermints ($6.50 per unit/108 pieces) and Eyeball Sweet Creams ($6.50 per unit/108 pieces).

Friday, September 18, 2015

DVD Review - Power Rangers: Trickster Treat

Power Rangers: Trickster Treat
Studio: LionsGate / Saban Brands
Release Date: September 15, 2015
Retail: $14.98
Running Time: 88 minutes
Rating: Not Rated
Buy Link: Amazon


Yep, it's already that time of year when a slew of Halloween themed DVDs will be released. LionsGate released the single-disc Power Rangers: Trickster Treat DVD this week, featuring 4 monstrous episodes - Raising Spirits (Megaforce), Trickster Treat (Super Samurai), Zedd's Monster Mash (Mighty Morphin) and It Came from Angle Grove (Zeo).

Raising Spirits is the Halloween Special from the first Megaforce season. While Emma (Pink Ranger  - played by Christina Masterson) tries to make Halloween goodies at Ernie's, the rest of the rangers visit a medium, who shows them their past battles through a crystal ball. When the medium reveals himself as the creature Glytcher, the rangers must once again save Angel Grove.

Trickster Treat is the Halloween Special for the Super Samurai season and centers on Master Xandred's hatred for the holiday. He sends his newest Nighlok monster Trickster to Earth to trap the Ranger in a nightmare world where Trickster is in control of everything. The Rangers must band together to escape the nightmare and defeat Trickster.

Zedd's Monster Mash aired during the second season of the Mighty Morphin series and centered on Zedd sending his Putties to Earth to interfere with the Youth Center Halloween Party. While Tommy (White Ranger played by Jason David Frank) is taking children trick-or-treating, Goldar kidnaps and takes him to an isolated place to fight the monster Doomstone.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Halloween 2015: Hanging Patient Prop

While the hot weather is a sign that summer isn't exactly over yet, the department stores are already getting ready for the fall with many of the them already stocking up on Halloween items.

Each and every year, I like to add at least one new Halloween decoration and luckily for me, I was sent a cool new item to test and out and review - the Hanging Patient Prop (retail $39.97) by Morbid Enterprises!

The prop features a life-size ghost/zombie polystyrene foam head with life-like hair. The shoulder and arms is made from a wire. The hand giant hands are made from hard plastic. The body is made of a mesh material that is stained with blood. The face is stained with blood as well. The eyes light up as bright blue (flashing) and require 3 cell batteries (which are included). The prop has a rope attached to the skull, so you can hang it up on your porch or in a tree.

Yes, Halloween Decorations can be expensive, but there are many dollar stores, thrift stores and Costume Discounters where you can purchase cheap props and goodies that will make your house pop out on Halloween night.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Enter If You Dare! Creepy Hallowen Decorations For Your Yard!

R.I.P. Tombstone
It seems just like yesterday that I was taking down last year's Halloween decorations, but I will once again drag out everything and decorate my yard for Halloween Night in a few weeks. For me, this has been an annual tradition since I was a middle-grader. I'm now in my 30's and I still enjoy giving out candy to trick-or-treaters, which there are normally between 120-130 trick-or-treaters every year.

Last year, I put out a creepy cemetery in my yard, which I received positive praise from trick-or-treaters and their parents. Of course I want to expand the cemetery this year by adding a few more creepy things, so I teamed up with Oriental Trading, who kindly sent me a few complimentary Halloween products to review.

Up first is the R.I.P. Tombstone (IN-13687750), which is a 22" tall foam tombstone that comes with two plastic ground stakes. The tombstone has a realistic weathered look to it, as well as a cross and R.I.P. on the front of it. The tombstone retails around $9.50, bu it is currently out-of-stock.

I'm rating this 4 out of 5!

Light-Up Gothic Tombstone
Having a few creepy tombstones can spook up any yard, but if you really want your yard to pop out, then you're going to have to get some decorations or props that have lights in them. That is why the next item I reviewed was the Light-Up Gothic Angel Tombstone (IN-13636966), which retails at $22. The 22" tall tombstone is made from foam, unlike what the description on the Oriental Trading website states - it is not made out of plastic. It also doesn't come with batteries like it says in the description You'll need to purchase three AAA batteries. It does comes with two plastic ground stakes.

You'll also need a small Phillips screwdriver to remove the lid, so you can install the batteries. There is also a strobe light that is located below the In Loving Memory R.I.P. engraving.

The Light-Up Gothic Tombstone is not as detailed as I thought it would be, but the strobe light does give the tombstone a creepy look.

I'm rating this 3.5 out of 5!

Light-Up Gothic Tombstone's light!

"R.I.P." Tombstone in box!
Next is the "R.I.P." Tombstone (IN-42/123), which retails at $21, but its currently on sale for $19.98. The tombstone arrived in two different part which were packaged together. You'll have to slip the cross into the slot that is located on the top part of the bottom half of the tombstone. The overall height of this tombstone is 35" and comes with two plastic stakes. 

"R.I.P." Tombstone
Cons: The multicolor eyes lights never worked. I thought maybe it was the batteries, which were included, so I changed the batteries and it still didn't work. Since I received the product "free" for review purposes, I decided instead of contacting Oriental Trading about the problem, I would just repair the lights myself. After taking the battery panel, I realized it was just a faulty panel. Therefore, I just purchased a new pair of eye lights and a battery panel. The panel was slightly bigger than the old one, so with a knife I carefully cut out the exact size I needed from the back of the cross foam. Then I placed the eye lights in and hot glued the battery panel.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

DVD Review - Witch's Night Out

Witch's Night Out
Voice Cast: Gilda Radner, Bob Church, John Leach, Naomi Leach
Tony Molesworth, Catherine O'Hara, Fiona Reid, Gerry Salsberg
Studio: Mill Creek Entertainment
Release Date: September 16, 2014
Retail: $9.98
Running Time: 124 minutes
Rating: Not Rated
Buy Link: Amazon


Arriving on DVD for the very first time is the 1978 Canadian Halloween special, titled Witch's Night Out, which is a sequel to the 1974 special The Gift of Winter. 

Witch's Night Out centers on a witch bringing two children, Small and Tender, along with their babysitter (Bazooey) to a Halloween party that is taking place at the witch's mansion. The witch decides to show them a good time by turning them into a werewolf and Frankenstein's monster. The local citizens aren't too happy about the party and they create a mob to catch any supernatural creature.

As an added bonus there are 10 bonus Halloween episodes:

Thursday, October 3, 2013

It's All Been Done? by Melissa MacVicar

Does anyone else remember this song? Back in 1998, the Barenaked Ladies released it as the follow up to their wildly popular hit One Week. Sometimes, when I’m trying to think up an original idea for a plot or a character or even a little bit of description, this song starts running through my head. And when I think about coming up with new ways to depict haunting and horror in my novels, this song seems even more apropos. Has it really all been done? Truly, coming up with creepy new things for my ghosts and spirits to do is a serious struggle. I’m sure the rest of you horror-type writers will agree.

One of the things my editor charged me with during edits on EVER NEAR was creating some unique things for my ghosts to do. She wanted me to push myself to make my ghost characters one-of-a-kind and horrid in their own very special ghostly ways. After all, ghosts are one of those things that may in fact have all been done before.

So what was a ghost writer like me to do? (ha, did you catch that play on words) Well, I took to my e-reader and downloaded a boatload of books—ones with ghosts that were currently chilling the hearts of readers everywhere. Of course, this wasn’t so I could copy them; I was looking for original ideas after all. No, this was to get my own creative juices flowing, and I am happy to say it worked. I was able to imagine some gloriously new effects for the ghosts in my novel.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"What's Your Darkness?"

The light of the full moon barely penetrates the rolling clouds and scarcely illuminates the yearly ritual taking place among the trees. A multitude of unwholesome and supernatural creatures abound on this most powerful evening, wreaking their mischief as they sneak from house to house attempting to steal away the contents hoarded therein, be it food or small children. Food is always ravenously consumed with great glee - for some of these creatures have not feasted since last year's eve of celebration. Whereas small children are always sought for corruption and transformation, if the mysterious incantations are uttered successfully the hordes will once again multiply next year on this very eve.

Zealously, the residents of the village guard against the coming of the night and all that it brings. It is, however, a self-defeating and fruitless endeavor as the very lights used to illuminate the night to frighten the creatures only serve as a beacon to the souls ready for harvest. In those homes where transformations afflict the children who have succumbed to the magic, adults try in vain to prevent their beloved darlings from joining the spirits and effecting permanence of the incantations - few rarely succeed. With the gift of evasion granted by goblins, the fledgling haunters flee the house to perpetuate the ritual and hoard their share of provisions to stock until next year's coming. To save their children, parents will brave the night and chase their devilish offspring and attempt to rescue them. But this only means there are fewer family members at home to defend against the onslaught of perpetuating rituals in which it will once again be chanted, "Trick-or-Treat".


There is something about the human condition that makes us want things to be nice and ordered; a new home, a fancy car, safe neighborhoods, or a decent job. We even desire the same in our quest for intangibles like hope, peace, and love. All is right with the world while we look at our clean and sterile creation, but that is only a part of our existence. There is something more to us, something darker. In a dying breath we set it aside for a short while; to pretend that life is gory and frightening. White picket fences deteriorate into haunted houses, our safe havens collapse into chaos and horror, and grandma no longer pinches your cheek with a smile – she wants to rip off your face, and gum to death the grey matter hiding inside your naked skull.

Throw a Pirates vs Zombies Party

Pirates and Zombies are two of the most recognized and entertaining characters, with many film characters to emulate and fun costumes to create. And having them battle each other in a party setting is a fun way to celebrate Halloween, whatever your age.

Consider hosting a pirate vs zombies party this Halloween! Everyone should be able to easily create one of these looks without too much fuss: all you need is standard Halloween costume makeup, a few easy props such as plastic swords, pirate hats for pirates and ripped clothes, white costume paint, and fake blood for zombies.  Here are some tips for hosting a pirate's vs zombies party at your place this Halloween.

Create invitations that look like pirate flags covered with a splattering of blood, or a pirate and a zombie facing off wild west style. Add the time, date, location, and any instructions for guests - what to wear and what to bring.

Pick a Costume

Your guests can either choose which character to arrive as beforehand or keep their costume choice private until they arrive. Then your friends and family will have an entertaining rivalry. Families or groups of friends could theme their pirate costumes or dress as a combination of both. The great thing about Zombie costumes is that everyone interprets them slightly differently, blood, cuts, and makeup effects will all be slightly different and you will get an impressive range of zombie wounds. Your guest will hardly need encouragement to take each other on. Pirates will fight to the death over almost anything (candy, silly games or party cups) and zombies can be hilarious and mono-syllabic. BRAINS!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

DVD Review - Regular Show: Fright Pack

Regular Show: Fright Pack
Voice Actors: J. G. Quintel, William Salyers, Sam Marin, Mark Hamill, Roger Craig Smith, Janie Haddad-Tompkins
Studio: Cartoon Network/ Warner Bros. Home Entertanment
Release Date: Sept. 3, 2013
Retail: $19.82
Running Time: 176 minutes
Rating: TV-PG


The Emmy Award-winning animated comedy Regular Show is coming out with its fifth DVD titled Regular Show: Fright Pack containing 14 spine-tingling episodes on September 3, 2013 starting with the 2 two-part episodes, Terror Tales of the Park and Terror Tales of the Park II. The DVD is making its way into store just in time for Halloween, which is only two months away. There is a villain character guide as the special feature.

Since its premiere in 2010, the Regular Show has been a ratings hit for the Cartoon Network, bring in both young and adult viewers, who all like the show's the snappy dialogue and off-the-wall comedy. The series features best friends Mordecai (a six-foot-tall blue jay) and Rigby (a hyperactive raccoon), who both work as groundskeepers at a park, which is owned by Pops (he looks like a lollipop). The two best friends are bored to death at their job and they try to do anything to avoid doing their work, which doesn't go over too well their boss Benson (a gumball machine). The new episodes currently air on Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Cartoon Network.

The episodes on the Fright Pack single-disc DVD are:

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DVD Review - Trick 'r Treat

Trick 'r Treat
Director: Michael Dougherty
Starring: Anna Paquin, Brian Cox, Dylan Baker, Rochelle Aytes, Quinn Lord
Studio: Warner Home Video
Release Date: October 6, 2009
Running Time: 82 minutes
Rated R for horror violence, some sexuality/nudity, and language

Annually, my local Walmart sets out a few horror/Halloween themed movies. It's not even October and this year’s Halloween DVDs/Blu-Rays are already out, in which the majority of them are a mixed bag of good and bad treats. I already own all the good ones and a few that I don't are not my style, but I did pick up Trick ‘r Treat only because Anna Paquin was on the back cover.

Trick 'r Treat was released to one theater in December 2007 followed by a handful of screens in 2008 and 2009, mostly at festivals. The movie was finally released to DVD on October 6, 2009 and received mostly good reviews to the small amount of critics who viewed it.

In this anthology in the style of the Creepshow, a short trick-treater, Sam, wearing a worn-out orange pajamas with a burlap sack over his head, keeps popping throughout the movie. Emma (played by Leslie Bibb) and Henry are the couple that opens up the movie. Henry loves the holiday and has over-decorated their yard with ghost-scarecrows. She demands that he cleans up everything on Halloween night, but he says he'll get to it tomorrow, which she knows he is a lying. He goes inside the house while Emma begins to take down the scarecrows and comes face to face with horror.

Charlie a trick-or-treater stops by Principle Wilkins house and steals a few pieces of Halloween candy that was on the front porch, but he is in for a shock when the candy turns out to be poisoned. It seems that Principle Wilkins drags Charlie's lifeless body inside. Later that night, he digs a hole in the backyard and tosses Charlie on top of another corpse. He is in a hurry to get the bodies covered up, help out his son carve a unique jack-o-lantern, and get ready for his date.