Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Review - Resolution by Robert. B. Paker

BY: Robert B. Parker
ISBN: 978-0-399-15504
Pages: 292
Ages: Adult
Reviewed by Billy Burgess

“Resolution” is the second book in the trilogy and picks up exactly where “Appaloosa” left off. Everett Hitch ends up in the town of Resolution - a town with no law. He is offered and accepts a job as a lookout at Amos Wolfson’s Blackfoot Saloon. He is soon known as the protector of the ladies who work in the saloon.

Everett’s old friend, Virgil Cole, arrives in town. Eamon O’Malley, a mine owner, starts buying up some of the local businesses. This upsets the local ranchers. Everett and Virgil are caught in the middle of the war.

“Resolution” is an amazing western with wonderfully crafted dialogue. It’s a must read for any fans of the later Robert B. Parker.

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